Center for Human Rights Studies of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (PUSHAM UII) is an independent research center that emphasizes scientific and academic accountability in all of its work. PUSHAM UII has full rights and authority to determine programs, personnel, and collaborations with other institutions. PUSHAM UII’s relationship with the Universitas Islam Indonesia's bureaucracy is a coordinative relationship.

As an institution within the campus, PUSHAM UII adopts approaches based on education, research, and community engagement. Most of the programs we manage are focused on scientific research, legal consultations, dissemination of human rights values, and strengthening democracy and the rule of law to the public, educational institutions, and government agencies through both long-term and short-term training.


The vision of PUSHAM UII is to become a leading research center for Human Rights Studies, through education and advocacy to build and shape a humane, democratic, and civilized government and society of Indonesia.

This is realized through:

  1. Our mission to promote - oriented towards disseminating human rights principles and practical human rights training for the public;
  2. Our mission to strengthen - aimed at enabling and empowering the state and society in implementing and protecting freedoms and fundamental human rights.


PUSHAM UII was officially established on March 20, 2000, following a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Rector of the Universitas Islam Indonesia and the Minister of State for Human Rights Affairs on April 7, 2000.

The establishment of PUSHAM UII was driven by great awareness and concern of the academic community at the Universitas Islam Indonesia about the dire human rights conditions in Indonesia. For more than three decades, Indonesia's history has been marked by various forms of human rights violations, suffering, and social inequality. This reality has created deep concern and strong motivation among the academic community at the Universitas Islam Indonesia to strive to improve the human rights situation in the country. At the same time, the newly formed Ministry of State for Human Rights Affairs also had the same concern to disseminate and promote human rights. This issue led to the aforementioned Memorandum of Understanding.

Since its establishment in 2000 to date, PUSHAM UII has contributed to the promotion of human rights that are oriented towards mainstreaming human rights principles and practical human rights training for the public. In addition, PUSHAM UII also plays a role in efforts to strengthen the state, including society, in respecting, fulfilling, and protecting human rights. This is realized, among other things, through:

  1. human rights-based research, the outputs of which are used as a basis for policy change,
  2. policy advocacy and development of policy implementation mechanisms, and
  3. human rights education and training for civil society and state apparatus.
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