Education is one of our foundational approaches to program implementation at the Center for Human Rights Studies of the Universitas Islam Indonesia alongside Research and Advocacy. We believe that in order to advance the human rights situation in Indonesia, education acts as an important role in the context of adaptation/awareness shifting of individuals, including state actors, regarding the most optimal way to respect, fulfill, and protect human rights. Adaptation/awareness shifting will become an adequate modality to bring behavioral change at the practical level.

To date, the Center for Human Rights Studies of the Universitas Islam Indonesia has applied the education approach in various programs. Among them are: human rights education to lecturers across Indonesia; human rights education for police, lawyers, and judges in the context of fair trials for people with disabilities; human rights education for the Correctional Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), and human rights education for youth in the context of inter-religious harmony.

Education Approach:

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